In Sexual Aggression Against Children: Pedophiles’ and Abusers' Development, Dynamics, Treatability, and the Law, Drs. Blackman and Dring use multiple psychoanalytic principles to answer, “Why do people sexually abuse children?” and “Why are most abusers male”?  They address the legal and mental health professions’ minimization of the horrific nature of child sexual abuse, explain how to assess pedophiles’ treatability, and discuss cases of adolescent and adult predators. Also, developmental analysis of sexual predation is integrated with a review of judicial decisions regarding civil commitment and punishment of abusers. The authors suggest how courts, evaluators, and legislatures can preserve constitutional rights of sexual offenders while prioritizing protection of children. 

chapter |6 pages


chapter |5 pages

Some Words of Caution

Denial, Minimization, Projection, Hope, and the Wish to Help

chapter |24 pages

What is Sexual Abuse?

chapter |34 pages

Why Males – and can They Be Treated?

An Application of Modern Psychoanalytic Developmental Theory to Sexually Predatory Men

chapter |11 pages

Why are Children Targeted?

And Can Children Who Abuse Other Children Be Treated?

chapter |3 pages

What to Look for in Pre-Predators

Signs and Behaviors