In LightinAugust, Faulkner cuts out his own chronological scheme, and it is too complicated to be summarized here. Hence, I shall confine myself to a mention of the leading characters.

[gives synopsis] This novel has all the Faulkner ingredients. Also, despite the com-

ments on adopted mannerisms, there is powerful writing, particularly some ofthe passages that describe the life ofJoe Christmas, a life heaped with injustices. As a writer, I believe that Faulkner has been overpraised. Also, I believe that his preoccupations with violence and insanity will, with the accumulation ofmore Faulkner novels, wear out. In other words, he is limiting himsel£ Because ofthese facts, there is no necessity of gravitating to the other pole and underpraising him. He writes with force and drive. He is worth reading, although consigning his work to posterity wholesale is another matter.