In the previous chapter the statement was made that the child’s response to the educational experience from the eighth to the twelfth year was preponderantly positive, characterized by extra­ ordinary vitality and endurance and as a rule highly successful. During the following develop­ mental phase, i.e. 12 to 17 years, a metamorphosis from a fundamentally positive to a negative attitude takes place ; that also has a physical basis. The psychic balance of the 8-12-year-old was the product of good physical condition. The physical health and strength of the 8-12-year-old furnished the foundation for his psychic balance. Increased activity of the ductless glands and the onset of sexual maturity seem to disrupt the balance of the organism so completely that the psychic equilibrium also suffers. The manifesta­ tions of this upheaval differ for boys and girls. There is a greater similarity between the interests and activities of boys and girls between 10 and 12 than at any other period in the course of their development. On the other hand, there seems to be a greater difference in these respects between

the 13-16-year-old boys and girls than at any other period. Some illustrations follow :

The mother of a 13-year-old boy appeals to our child guidance bureau for advice. She is in despair about her son. He had been obedient at home and had done good school work until quite recently. Then suddenly and without any apparent reason his attitudes changed. He became surly, ill-mannered, lost all interest in his school work, and spent most of his time playing on the streets with other lads. What is she to do with him ?