Cohesive forces of nature may be said to submit to one another. Those relatively stable forms of energy known physically as “matter” each possess attractive force toward all material bodies, and this force of mutual attraction is known as “gravitation”. The largest material body with which we come into daily contact is the earth itself. The attractive power of the earth operates in alliance with the attractive force which each of these smaller bodies exerts toward the earth. This alliance of attractive forces, with that of the larger body, the earth, predominating, results in a tendency of each smaller body to move towards the centre of the earth, its motion being accelerated continuously as it moves. This law of the behaviour of smaller physical bodies toward the earth is called “gravity”. Gravity, then, represents an alliance of attractive forces wherein the weaker attractive force progressively weakens itself by facilitating the compulsion exercised upon itself by the stronger attractive force. Such behaviour presents a perfect objective picture of submission. The lesser ally submits to the greater by decreasing itself to make the alliance closer.