IT was almost seventy years before the Kant-Forherg religion of As-if again made its appearance, though not under this name-in the writings of F. A. Lange. During these seven decades, philosophy had been so fully occupied with metaphysical systems and controversies between them, that the more subdued tones of the critical As-if doctrine were completely drowned by the cries of the philosophical market. And yet it was not entirely drowned. In two men, both theologians, it found an echo-an echo, it is true, in which the original meaning was hardly to be recognized. These were Schleiermacher and de Wette. Schleierrnacher, whom we have already claimed as a representative of the As-if point of view, was probably very well acquainted with the essays of Fichte and Forberg, as the H Atheism-dispute" occurred in the years of his development. His own standpoint is a kind of combination of Fichtean pantheism with a diluted form of the Forberg doctrine.