As the uiord of confession, "There is no god but God, Muhammad is his prophet," is the shibboleth of Islam, the Trinity that of Ohristianity, and the institute of the Sabbath that of Judaism, so metempsychosis is the shibboleth of the Hindu religion. Therefore he who does not believe in it does not belong to them, and is not reckoned as one of them. For they hold the following belief :-

The soul, as long as it has not risen to the highest absolute intelligence, does not comprehend the totality of objects at once, or, as it were, in no time. Therefore it must explore all particular beings and examine all the possibilities of existence; and as their num bel" is, though not unlimited, still an enormous one, the soul wants an enormous space of time in order to finish the contemplation of such amultiplicity of objects. The soul acquires knowledge only by the contemplation of the individuals' and the species, and of their peculiar actions and conditions. It gains experience from each object, and gathers thereby new knowledge.