The Hindu method for the computation of the heliacal risings of the stars and the young moon is, as we think, the same as is explained in the canones called Sindhind. They call the degrees of a star’s distance from the sun which are thought necessary for its heliacal rising kâlâṁśaka. They are, according to the author of the Ghurrat-alzîjât, the following:—13° for Suhail, Alyamâniya, Alwâḳi‛, Al‛ayyûḳ, Alsimâkân, Ḳalb-al‛aḳrab; 20° for Albuṭain, Alhaḳ‛a, Alnathra, Âśleshâ, Śatabhishaj, Revatî; 14° for the others.

How far a star must be distant from the sun in order to become visible.