A study of the ancient history of India reveals the fact that the divergent cults and creeds sank their prejudices and differences to realize the unity and the peace of her past. The higher spiritual intelligence of the Aryas with its great constructive genius gradually welded the non-Aryan civilization with its own, so that each contributed its best to the common stock, and both went hand in hand along the path of progress. 1 Though at first the advance of the Aryas could be accomplished only after long and arduous warfare with the aboriginal tribes, they readily achieved a political superiority, followed by religious ascendancy and social amalgamation. Aryan sages carried and spread their religious doctrines in the countries conquered and into the lands inhabited by the non-Aryan races. But the Aryas are seen to adopt and assimilate the beliefs and practices prevalent among the people with whom they came into contact, but which were alien to them, and were at first looked upon as uncivilized and barbarous. This blend of cultures was sometimes the result of conscious processes of admixture, while at other times the fusion was effected in a way unknown both to the Aryas and the non-Aryas.