I Accept the provisional arrangement of a Mon-Anam Family out of deference to the expression of opinion of Logan, and with a view of exhausting the subject. It has by no means received universal assent, yet no antagonistic scheme has been started, for in fact very little is known of the Language of this quarter. The Group is composed of twenty Languages—1. The Mon or Peguan. 2. The Kambojan. 3. The Annamite. 4. The Paloung. 5–20. The Languages of the sixteen Wild Tribes inhabiting the upper basin of the River Mekong. The group belongs to the Monosyllabic Order, but it has not the coherency of other Groups. It has been less studied, and it seems quite possible, that it may be necessary to disconnect Annamite altogether. The Language-Map shows, that the Language-Field is broken up into three enclaves, which have ceased to have connection with each other, owing to the intrusion of a Tibeto-Burman and Tai flow of linguistic lava. Another marked feature is, that the influence of Indian culture, Indian religion, Indian nomenclature, and Indian Characters cease with Kambojan, and that the Annamite-speaking population borrow everything from the Chinese. At any rate, we walk upon very uncertain ground here. The chief authorities are Logan, Bastian, Gamier, Aymonier, and Des Michels.