Tms chapter owes its title to the letter of the Arabic alphabet with which it begins. It seems to have been written while the storm was brewing which resulted in the Muslims being shut up in the Sheb of Abu Talib. The drift of the earlier verses, as well as that of the stories related (vera. 16-48), points to a decided conflict between the Muslims and their enemies. The title confederates, applied to the latter, leaves no doubt that the confederation of the Quraish against the Hashimites is referred to. The stories related here are puerile in the extreme. They do not encourage a belief in Muhammad's prophetic claim. They seem to be connected with the first verses of the chapter, and were probably intended to encourage the Muslims under persecution and trial. If so, we must suppose Muhammad to have looked upon his adverse circumstances as a chastisement and a trial of his faith-a chastisement, however, from which he confidently expected to be delivered.