Thus Búzurjmihr, the shrewd, said to the Sháh :— “ O more exalted than the azure vault ! The service of the monarch of the earth Is, saith the sage, the path-way of the Faith. The orders of the Sháh brook no delay, Because the Shah’s heart never must be straitened, And every one that is his enemy Is in his soul the liege of Áhriman. The heart that loveth not the monarch’s person Should forfeit brain and skin. Know that the Sháh Is the world’s peace, and when thou dost aright He will advance thee. Both for good and ill The power is his, he taketh not revenge, And injureth none. Wish not his son to fill His room but hold his dear face as thy life. Want never findeth entrance to the soil Of states whose monarch is their well-beloved.