Accession of Hpagyîdoa—Ava again made the capital—Expedition to Manipur—To Asâm—Kachâr invaded—Attack on the Chittagaon frontier—Action near Râmu—British plan of operations—Occupation of Rangoon—Failure of attack on Kyîmyisidaing—Operations in Asâm, Kachâr, and Manipur—Fighting at Rangoon—Coast of Tenasserim—Mahâ Bandula attacks the British position—Defeat of the Burmese—Occupation of Arakan by the British—The British army marches northward from Rangoon—Siege of Danubyu—Death of Bandula—Alarm of the Burmese court—Prome occupied by the British—Negotiations for peace—War resumed—British advance on Myedè—Malwun taken—Action at Pugân—British army at Yandabo—Treaty signed—The Burmese soldier—Commercial treaty—Hpagyîdoa dethroned.