The rough season being passed, Monsieur de Monts wearied with his bad dwelling at Sainte-Croix, determined to seek out another port in a warmer country and more to the south ; and to that end made a pinnace to be armed and furnished with victuals, to follow the coast and, discovering new countries, to seek out some happier port in a more temperate air. And because that in seeking, one cannot set forward so much as when in full sails one goeth in open sea, and that finding out bays and gulfs, lying between two lands, one must put in, because that there one may as soon find that which is sought for as elsewhere, he made in this voyage but about six score leagues, as we will tell you now. From Sainte-Croix to 60 leagues forward, the coast lieth East and West; at the end of which 60 leagues is the river called by the savages Kinibeki. 42 From which place to Malebarre it lieth North and South, and there is yet from one to the other 60 leagues, in right line, not following the bays. So far stretcheth Monsieur de Monts his voyage, wherein he had for pilot in his vessel Monsieur de Champdoré. In all this coast so far as Kinibeki there is many places where ships may be harboured amongst the islands, but the people there is not so frequent as is beyond that; and there is no remarkable thing (at least that may be seen in the outside of the lands) but a river, whereof many have written fables one after another, like to those that they (who grounding themselves upon Hanno his Commentaries, a Carthaginian captain [Pliny, lib. iii., cap. 1]) have feigned of towns built by him in great number upon the coasts of Africa, which is watered with the ocean-sea, for that he played an heroical part in sailing so far as the isles of Cape Verde, where long time since nobody hath been, the navigation not being so secure then, upon that great sea, as it is at this day by the benefit of the compass.