This chapter provides a detailed study of the Siamese Royal Regalia. The Pauranic literature of India mentions the White Umbrella as one of the ratnas of a king, and in the Nidana-katha it is referred to as one of the regalia of the Buddha in the Tusita Heaven. The regalia of the Alompra dynasty of Burma are remarkable on account of the inclusion of a great variety of the personal utensils such as pickled-tea bowls, betel-boxes, water vessels, and scent box; and on the reliefs of Anor Vat a number of similar utensils are represented. The whole crown is highly ornamented and is surmounted by a small tiered umbrella. The crowns worn by Siamese actresses impersonating kings are similar to the royal crowns, while those worn by Ravana, Sugriva, and other important personages in the Siamese drama differ only in matters of detail; and the modern royal crown of Cambodia has the same form as the Siamese.