After the death of Mullā Ṣadrā, the school established by him found its most famous interpreter and expositor in Ḥājjī Mullā Hādī Sabziwārī who was the greatest of the ḥakīms of the Qajar period in Persia. After a period to turmoil caused by the Afghan invasion, in which the spiritual as well as the political life of Persia was temporarily disturbed, traditional learning became once again established under the Qajars, and in the hands of Ḥājjī Mullā Hādī and his students the wisdom of Mullā Ṣadrā began once again to flourish through the Shi‘ah world. This sage from Sabziwar gained so much fame that soon he became endowed with the simple title of Ḥajjī by which he is still known in the traditional madrasahs, 1 and his Sharḥ-i manẓūmah became the most widely used book on ḥikmat in Persia and has remained so until today.