Arghun Khan did not take long to take hold firmly of the realm. Working on many fronts at once, he soon replaced the emergency measures with stabile polices. The first front was political as the former system and people made way for a new order. After removing the wazir, Shams al-Din Juvayni, and his power bloc, Arghun Khan appointed a new one headed by the general, Buqa. 1 The new wazir was installed near the end of 683 H 2 and was assisted by his brother, Aruq, just as Shams al-Din had been by his brother. However, unlike the Juvayni family, this one was Mongol. Buqa remained in power until he was executed at the end of 688 H, but during his administration, remarkable advances took place in the monetary and fiscal development of the empire.