References Backstrom, P.e. and Radloff, C.F., 1992. 'Languages of Northern Areas', Sociolinguistic Survey

of Northern Pakistan Vol. 2, National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-i-Azan University Bell, C.A, 1920. English=Tihetan Colloquial Dictionary, Calcutta: The Bengal Secretariat

Konsonanten-cluster in den westtibetischen Dialekten Bielmeier, R., 1985. Das Marchen vom Prinzen Co bzafz , Sankt Augustin: VGH

Northern Pakistan' [Kharmang Dialect], Universitat Bern, Institut fur Sprachwissenschaji, Arbeitspapier 34

Hurley, J., 1961. 'The people of Baltistan', Natural History, LXX, 8, 18~45 Jiischke, H.A., 1881. A Tibetan-English dictionary, London: Triibner [Reprinted London:

Geschichte, Wiesbaden: Steiner Sprigg, R.K., 1966. 'Lepcha and Balti Tibetan: tonal or non-tonal languages?', Asia Major,

New Series, XII, 2, 185~201 Sprigg, R.K., 1967. 'Balti Tibetan syllable finals, and a prosodic analysis', Asia Major, New

Tihetology, VII, 2, 5~ 19 Sprigg, R.K., 1980. 'Vowel harmony in noun-and-particle words in the Tibetan of Baltistan',

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, XLIII, 3, 511~519 Sprigg, R.K., 1986. Review of R. Bielmeier, Das Marchen vom Prinzen C-obzafz (see above),

studies, 22. 261~7

a-pre plural prefix equivalent to -(e)s, -en [u. a-, fm A.] a-hadiis s traditions (sayings of Mohammed and his companions)

a-co-ong; see sku-ndun [T. a-] a-mo s (pron. -ngo) mother (M. 155) a-mo chok-o s phr maternal aunt (elder) a-mo tshar-ma s phr maternal aunt (elder) a-mo tshun-tse s phr maternal aunt (younger) a-pi s grandmother (M. 155)

a-pi sa-rdung-mo s phr fabulous old woman who beats the earth, thumping sound heard unaccountably in old basements

a-po s old man, grandfather (M. 156) a-po mes-po-ong s phr (pron. -po-ng) ancestors (distant) a-she s sister, elder sister (general salutation for women) (M. 156) a-tse s father's younger brother a-yo (S.) smother (See rna ske-s-pa-i a-mo, tra-mo a-pi)

-a v suf[T. -nga, etc.]; see (aya) ong-a -a; see -pa (II) v suf(inf); e.g. bap-pa (pron. baba), sdam-pa (pron. zdama), thu-pa (pron.