The Russian General Kozlovs mission in 19089 discovered in the ruins of Kharakhoto abundant remains of Buddhist manuscripts and prints, both in Tangut script and Tibetan, and miscellaneous records on paper in Chinese, Tangut and Uigur were brought to light. The word Tangut, as used by Marco Polo in the thirteenth century, has been variously interpreted. The Gobi desert has played a vital part in the history of the Burmans, as in that of many other peoples of Asia and Europe. Gobi desiccation has driven Westerners west; and Easterners east; but this is only partly true. The main discoveries made by Andersson were first especially in Ho-nan, North China; later, 500 miles to the west in south Kansu, then the home of the Proto-Burmans. They suggest that between these two peoples, both migrant from the Gobi, brotherhood and trade relations were still close and warm; and common contact with the far west still persisted.