Ch'oe U ruled Koryo at the time of the first Mongol invasions, and it was through his ineptitude that Koryo came to be subjugated by the warriors from the Central Asian steppes. In 1231, the Mongols quickly overran northern Korea and struck at the Koryo capital, Kaegyong. Ch'oe U refused to assist the royal government in the defence ofthe capital, with the result that it had to sue for peace on most unfavourable terms. In 1232, Ch'oe U ordered the royal government and the citizens ofthe capital to take refuge on the island ofKanghwa-do in the mouth of the Han River. Shortly afterwards, there was a second Mongol invasion, which was repulsed following the death in battle of the Mongol leader. This victory and the rapid retreat of the Mongols enabled Koryo to retake p'yongyang.