The series tabulated is for unspecified, place or common bricks. Prices are for Deptford and Woolwich to 1770 except in 1566-74, unspecified ports or Gillingham, 1588 and 1626-28 unspecified ports, 1591, 1630, 1641, 1644, 1650 and 1670 Chatham (16s. per M for Chatham in 159697 discarded), 1609, and 1667-68 Portsmouth. Prices at Chatham tend to be higher than Deptford and Woolwich in 1589-95. From 1771 an extra 6d. per M was charged for carriage to Woolwich and this port has been excluded from this date. After 1670 the only insertions are made from Chatham in 1673 and 1676 and from Sheerness in 1798. A half line is drawn in the table after 1574 when Deptford/Woolwich prices begin. Prices in 1762-70 have been interpolated from the prices of stock bricks, constant at 20s. per M, using the relationship of contracts beginning in 1756, viz. 20s. per M for stock and 14s. for place bricks.