50 PRICES AND WAGES IN ENGLAND shrunk was the same as that for plain coloured cloth. Servants’ ray cloth is generally quoted by the dozen to 1424 and generally by the piece thereafter. The entry in 1457, quoted per yd., seems to be on a high level and the resulting price per piece is printed with a warning. Grooms’ ray cloth is recorded throughout by the yard or the dozen, “ verges ” in 1438 being treated as dozens. Ray cloth for stewards and gentlemen is generally quoted by the dozen to 1430, by the piece from 1431 to 1437, by the yard from 1438 to 1456 except 1446-47 and 1450-51 by the piece, and from 1457 onwards by the piece. There is no evidence of any change in the size of the piece after 1468. I t should be noted that the price of stewards’ ray cloth frequently drops to the level of that for servants, and stewards’ cloth at least cannot therefore be considered as of a constant quality throughout.