The discussion on General Gluts was simply a phase of the discussions on Value; and the prominence of such discussions in the political economy of sixty years ago was largely due to the peculiar effects on trade and prices of a twenty years war with France. The political economy of Malthus noticed in relation to the essay on population. The first treats of the depreciation of paper currency, and is a review of pamphlets by the leading advocates and assailants of the principles of the Bullion Committees Report. The Committee inquired into three subjects: the high price of gold bullion, the state of the currency, and the state of the foreign Exchanges. Both Malthus and Ricardo agreed with the Report of the Bullion Committee. Ricardo indeed is in a sense the father of it. Malthus speaks strongly of the bad policy and injustice of continuing the suspension, and he does not spare the Bank of England and its mischievous monopoly.