Although they be a kinde of Beaver, as we have faid already, yet they never go into the Sea,and they abound almoft in all Nations, where there are Rivers or Fifh-pools, as namely in Italy, France, Germany, Helvetia, England, and Scandinavia. Likewife in all Sarmatia, in the Bay of Boryfihenes.They are moft plentiful in Italy, where the River Tadus is joyned to the Sea. Alfo they abound in Naples. T h e i r outward form is moft like unto a Beaver, faving in their tail, for the tail of a Beaver is fifh, but the tail of an Otter is flelh. They are lefs then Beavers, fome compare them unto a C a t , and fome unto a Fox; but I cannot confent unto the Fox. They are bigger then a Cat and longer, but lefler then a Fox, and therefore in my opinion they are well called Dogs of the water. They exceed in length, for in Sweiia, and all the Northern Rivers they are three times fo long as a Beaver. They have a rough skin ; and the hair of it very foft and neat, like the hair of a Beaver , but different in this, that it is fhorter and unequal, alfo of colour like a Chef-nut,or brownifh, buttheBea-

445 vers is white or afh-colour. Ic hath very fharp teeth, and ts a very biting |kalt, likewife ihort legs, and his feet and tail like a Dogs, which caufed Bellomtts to write, that if his tail were off, he were in all parts like a Beaver, differing in nothing but his habitation. For the Beaver goeth both to the Salt waters, and to the frefh, but the Otter never to the fal^

Although it live in the waters, yet it doth not fuck in water, but air,» that is, it doth not breath like fifhes through the benefit of water, and therefore it maketh his dens near The framing the water, wherein alfo they are wont to of their den. bring forth their young ones: They make their dens fo artificially, even as the Beaver, with bows, and fprigs, or fticks,couching together in excellent order, wherein he fftteth to keep him from wetnefs. It hunteth fifhes, His prey and and although it breatheth like another fourfooted Beal^ yet it will remain a great while under the water without refpiration; for the greedinefs of fifhes it runneth many times into nets, which are fet by men in waters to take fifhjwhereinto being entered it is fuffocated for want of breath, before it can (hear afunder the nets and make way for himfelf to come out.