The urine of a wilde Boar alfo is of the fame force and vertue. The bladder of a wilde Boar doth ftaythe incontinency of the urine, if it be eaten, rolled, or boyled. The blather of a G o a t being burned to powder, and given to drink in water and wine, is very good and profitable for thofe which cannot make water eafily. The urine ofa Boar being drunken, doth help thofe that

Stxtuf. a r c doubled with the ftone in the bladder, but it is more effe&uall if it be firft of all mingled with the dung, The Bladder of a Boar moiftened with the urine, and hung up untill the waterifh humor cometh for th , and then boyled and given to thofe which are truculent with the Strangury, is very profitable and good for them.