Of the Sagoin. U:dir·ur by count~rtet[lng fnendih1p, flew her, making ibew t? be of he~· t:1chon; and P.tufaniJt faith that the former Rtddle \Yas not a Rtddle, bur an Oracle ot Apollo, wluch Cadmus had recetved, whe;eby his pofierity tbould be inheritors of the TbebaJl Kmgdom; and whereas OcJ;pui, being the Son of [,•iur a former Ktng of that Counrrey, was taught the Oracle in his fleep, he recovered the Kingdom ufurped by fhWx his Stlter, and atrerward unknown, maried his ~wn Mother Joclljl~ But the true moral of tbts Poeucal fittwn, IS by that learned Alciatus tn one of hts emblems dectphered, that her monllrous treble-formed-ibape, fignified he& ~ullful pleafure under a Vir~ins face, her cruel pride under the Ltons claws, her wtnde-dnven lev1ty under the Eagles or Btrds fea· Suid.H. thers and I will conclude wtth the words of Su liar concerning fuch Monfiers, that the '1 rirons, Meaning thi~ Spb:n:rer and Cmtauns, are the images of thofe things, which are not to be found within the com-Poerlcal