THis kinde of D o g which purfueth by the eye, prevaileth little, or never a whit, by any benefit of the nofe, that is by fmelling, but excelleth in perfpicuity and fharpenefs of fight a l together , by the virtue whereof , being lingular and notable, it hunte th the Fox and the Hare. This D o g will chufe and feparate any beaft f rom among a great flock or herd, and fuch a one will it take by election as is no t lanck, lean and hollow, but well fpred, fmoo th , full, f a t , and round , it followes by dir e d i o n of the eyef ight , which indeed is clear, conftant , and no t uncer ta in; if a beaft be wounded and g o a f t r a y , t h e D o g feeketh after it by the ftedfaftnefsof t he eye, if it chance peradventure t o r e tu rn and be mingled with the refidue of the flock, this D o g fpyeth it out by vir tue of his e y e , leaving the ref t of the Cattel l untouched, and af te r he ha th fet fure fight upon i t , he feparateth i t f r om among the company , and having f o done, never ceafeth untill he have wearyed the Beaft t o death.