HAving formerly difcourfed of feveral k indes of Goats, now it followeth that We fhould alfo of the nam intreat of the Kid, which is the iffue of a G o a t ; and firft of the feveral names thereof. It is called in Hebrew, Egedi; which becaufe it fignifieth alfo a Lamb, they put unto it Haijfim, and the plural Mafculine is Gedaiim, and thefeminie Gediotb, Gen. 35. where the Chaldean tvanflation hath Gadeiay the Perftan, Buskabale, or elfe Cahali bufan; for the Perfians render Cahale for S beter-, in Hebrew, Bufan> for Iflim. The Septuagints render Erifon; and vulgarly at this day, the Grecians call hlmEripbon; but the truth is, that Enphoi zre Kids of three or four months o l d , and after that time untill their procreation, they are called Cbimmi\ the L nines call him Varinuf. Heedi abedendo, from eating (as Iftdorus faith) for then their flefh is tender and fat, and the taft thereof pleafant. The Italians call it Cauretto, or Capretto, and CiaverJlo\ the Rbetians which fpeak Italian, Vlzol: t lie Spaniards, Cabrito; the Frené,Cbtreru-, the Gerw-w/, Gitfe, orKnfain; the PclonianSi Coziel.