The hairs of the Ichneumon being taken in a certain perfume, doe very much help and cure thofe which are troubled or grievedlvith the Maw-worms. The dung of a Cat, or the dung of this Beaft, is very medicinable to be put in any falve>or potion,for the ftrengtbening and confirming of the body. The urine or tail of an Ichneumon, being mixed with the milk of a black Cow, and given unto thofe which are troubled with that grievous difeafe, called the Colick and Stone, for the fpace of three days together in any kinde of drink, will eafily and fpeedily cure them of their pain. The ftones of an Ichneumon, being either beaten in powder,or taken raw, either in Wine or any other drink, is very medicinable,and cureable for the eafing of all fuch as are troubled or grieved with any ach, pain, or difeafe in their belly: And thus much fliall fufficc concerning the cures, and medicines of the Ichneumon.