It lies gaping over his gathered grain, even as the covetous man is defcribed in the Satyre flceping upon his mony bags. It groweth fat with fleep like Dormice, and Conies. The holes into the Cave are very narrow, fo that with Hiding out and in, they wear their hair. The earth which cometh out of their holes doth not lie on heaps like Mole-hils, but is difperfed abroad, and that is fitteft for the multitude of the holes, and all the holes and paffages are covered with earth: but that hole which for the moft part he goeth out at, is known by a foot path, and hath no hinderance in it, the other places at which fhe goeth out are more obfeure and hid, and fhe goeth out of them backwards. The male and female do both inhabit in one Cave, and their young ones being brought forth, they leave their old Den and feek them out fome new habitation. In the male there is this perfidity, that when they have prepared all their fuftenance, and brought it in,he doth (hut out the female, and fuffereth her not to approach nigh it, who revengeth his perfidioufnefs by deceit. For going into fome adjoyning Cave, fhe doth likewife partake of the fruits which were laid up in ftore by fome other fecret hole in the Cave, the male never perceiving it.