Madeira Island, at the first Discovery of it by the Portuguese, about the Year 1420, was over-run with Wood, whence it's Name. Divided to the two Discoverers, they set the Woods on fire, which Travelers say burnt seven Years; the Ashes giving a vast Fertility to their Sugar-Canes, at the first Planting; till a Worm getting into the Cane, Spoiled the Increase, so that it is now entirely planted with Vines brought originally from Candia, which yield the strongest Wines: That called Malmsey is a rich Cordial, the best made at the Jesuit's Garden in Fonchial. This Island has settled, and probably by the Spunginess of its Materials. The ultimate End, is perhaps to strike Mankind with a Dread of Providence, and warn a sinful World against the Consequences of angry Omnipotence. New Islands should be formed in Rivers, as at the Conflux of the Save with the Danube, or Sands shifting in any Channels.