Winter at Leshoma—Kamburu and Nguana-Ngombé—Soap-making—Neighbourly Intercourse with the Jesuits—Fresh Political Troubles and Delays—A Bargain in Goats—British Protectorate of Khama’s Country—Engagement of Mlle. Coillard to M. Jeanmairet—The Passage of the Zambesi—Life at Kazungula—Death of Little Monyaï—Arrival at Sesheke—The Jesuits—Dr. Holub—Revolution and Civil War—Treachery and Robbery—Perils of Waters and Perils of Wild Beasts—Marriage of Elise Coillard and M. Jeanmairet—A Wedding Party under Difficulties—Building the Station—A Reign of Terror—Middleton sent to Pretoria.