St. pierre, 1699. While I was staying at Les Mouillages to regain my health and look after the work on our new presbytery, I got up a little before daybreak on the 25th June to set our workmen their tasks. As I was passing by a house over a shop opposite our church I heard a noise. Curiosity impelled me to ascertain what was the matter, and as I knew the owner of the shop and the door was open, I did not hesitate to walk in. I was surprised to hear some liquid dripping on the floor from the ceiling. Some drops fell on my clothes, so I went into the street to see what it was. I found that it was blood, so I re-entered the shop and saw to my horror that it continued to fall on the floor. I thereupon called out to the master of the shop, and also to a young man who was lodging with him. I had administered the last sacrament to this youth twelve days before when he had the maladie de Siam (yellow fever) and was not expected to live.