January 27.—We have left Deyr, and are once more comfortably boused, thank God, under our own tent roof! It has, all the same, been rather a trying day, though the sun was out, and we had our faces to the south. Mr. S. has left us, and we are at last thrown upon our own resources. We feel now for the first time the miserable deficiency of our Arabic; and already Suliman, relieved from the control of Consular authority, shocks us by the lightness with which he bears his disgrace. He has assumed a patronising, half contemptuous tone, which makes us look forward to a long journey in his company with anything but pleasure. Even Hanna, the precious Hanna, looks very green and gloomy, complaining of a swimming in his head, the effect of twenty grains of quinine he took this

morning. At any moment, we are afraid, he may break down.