The Malays of Sarawak are all of the Mahometan religion, and having received the faith through missionaries from Arabia, are all of the orthodox or Sunni sect. The Malay women are also, like their sex in general, fond of fine clothes and jewellery, and their extravagance is the frequent cause of unpleasantness between them and their husbands. Europeans visiting the countries are frequently astonished at the elegant manners and dignified bearing of the higher classes of Malays. Many schools are established in Sarawak for the education of the children, as the neglect of providing instruction for those of the better classes reflects disgrace upon the parents. The people of Sarawak and of the west coast of Borneo, and indeed of the island generally, are far behind the natives of Celebes and Java in the manufacture of cloths. Blacksmiths are more common among the natives than any other workers in metals.