The Barbary and Turkish corsairs that thronged the Mediterranean were checked by the Spanish galleys from Sicily: and the coasts of spain, freed from the Morisco abettors of the pirates, gained in security and prosperity. Charles Emmanuel was at that period the firebrand that threatened to consume the whole edifice of spain’s new-born condition of relief. The Seigniory were indignant at the outrage, and loudly protested at Madrid that Osuna must be disavowed: whilst in Italy itself all native enemies of Spanish pride were burning with rage. In the course of the war between France and spain, which had never ceased, Mazarin, who had succeeded Richelieu, sent a squadron to seize some of the Spanish fortresses on the Tuscan coast, with the aid of Prince Tommaso of Savoy in May, 1646. Like some other stages of the history of spain, this period of rapid declension in sincerity and endeavour coincided with one of great brilliancy in literature and art.