We have received the following cable, dated Berlin, 22 October: ‘Struggle against native bills and all other oppression must be waged not

through petitions, but (in a) revolutionary manner. (The) Party must take initiative and leadership in (the) struggle without fusing with or giving leadership to reformists, as is (the) case (with the) League of Rights. (Au)xiliary organisations can be utilised only if based on mass movement and on local organisations – committees (of) action, etc. Proclaim December 16 as day (of) national disgrace and struggle. Conduct broad militant demonstrations under the slogans: (1) Down with Native Bills, pass law, all restrictions of rights of natives. (2) Down with entire system of oppression and plunder of Natives’ land. (3) Long live Native Republic. (4) United front of Native toilers and white workers under the leadership of the (Communist) Party. Factory meetings should be held on the eve of the demonstration. By all means penetrate the mines. With the help of Weinbren’s and other organisations on December 14 call stoppage for the whole day; if not possible then stoppage before time under political slogans and demand pay for December 16. Inform us of receipt of cable. Your friend E.C.C.I.’1