In this concluding chapter I want to assess what we have learned from research into parental involvement in the teaching of literacy over the past decade or so. Often this means trying to make use of evaluations which have flawed designs or are poorly repoited. Where possible I have drawn on other researchers' reviews or discussions of the issues (Leler, 1983; Becher, 1985; Glynn and McNaughton, 1985; Pumfrey, 1986; Swinson, 1986; Miller, 1987; Vinograd-Bausell and Bausell, 1987; Drummond et al., 1990; Topping and Lindsay, 1992; Toomey, 1993)- My aim is to examine findings in relation to certain key issues. I then want to go on to identify five broad research questions which I urge as a research agenda for the years to come.