In contemporary Passamaquoddy, the schwas of the suffixes /-an/ 2 and / -akw / 12 are inherently stressable, as we can see by the fact that these vowels receive stress, against alternating stressability, in forms like mes-an-am-fm-pan (get-by.hand-TI-2PRET) 'when you (sg.) got it' and mes-an-am-akw-pan (get-by.hand-TI-12-PRET) 'when we (inc.) got it.' Epenthesis of jyj in Conjunct forms can accordingly be attributed to Glide Insertion in Passamaquoddy. For the dialect of Maliseet which Sherwood has described, however, we must postulate a second, morphologically governed rule to account for the insertion of jyj in Conjunct forms, since /-an/ and / -akw / have underlyingly unstressable schwas in this variety of the language. The situation in Passamaquoddy must formerly have been like that in Maliseet: in ProtoAlgonquian, /y / was inserted in stem-formation only between long vowels, but /y / was added between a vowel-final stem and a vowel-initial ending of the Conjunct Order regardless of vowel length (Bloomfield 1946: 93, 101 ).