We can probably attribute jyj to the application of Glide Insertion after /i/ in a synchronic analysis of forms like t6hpiy-ahtakw (alder-stick) 'alder pole,' based on the noun tohp 'alder' ( < jtohpi/). Note also wikawam-i apasiy-ahkwi-hko-k (house-PN tree-wood-PL-LOC) 'on the wigwam poles' (Mikcic, p. 13), a derivative of &pas 'tree (an.), stick (in.)' ( < japasi/). Historically, however, /y/ in these forms belongs to the noun stems: &pas is derived from PA *apanswiy-i 'lodge-pole' (Goddard 1982: 25), tohp from PA *Wato·xpy-i 'alder' (Siebert 1967: 27), both with PA *-i 31N. (For the PEA development of PA stems in *-C(w)iy and *-Cy, see Goddard (1979a: 97-98, 1980: 147, 1982: 24-25).