not been generalized to fa/ which follows such clusters. For example, the reanalysis of /asp-api-/ 'sit up high' as /sp-api-/ has led to the use of forms like n-sp-'ap (1-above-sit) 'I sit up high,' but speakers who use n-sp-'ap have sp-api-t, not *Sp-epi-t, in place of esp-api-t (above-sit-3AN-(PERF)) 'when he sat up high.' Similarly, we find kskwapehsa-k but not *kskwepehsa-k 'when it rained and snowed at the same time,' a Changed perfective form corresponding to kskwapehsan 'it rains and snows at the same time.' (The perfective form keskwapehsa-k, representing an underlying stem /kaskwapehsan-/ without reanalysis, also continues in use.)