F rank D uryea is a well-to-do law yer. Previous to the commencement of the O peretta, he has married M arion, a tw in , whose sister Lucy is likew ise mar. ried, and resides in P ans. Before his m arriage w ith Marion he w as desper­

ately iu love w ith Lucy. B ut his passion w as not reciprocated. H e is fond of his w ife, but is som ew hat gay, and the rem embrance of Lucy will rise up in his memory, much to the disgust of M arion, w ho is very jealous. H e avails

him self of the opportunity afforded by the occasion of a fashionable Bal

Masqud, to take bis wife to the Academy of Music. H e has hired a p rivate

box, and Mrs. D uryea, complainiug of a headache, he excuses him self to her

and joinR the dance. P resen tly he espies a P ink Domino in the crow d, whom

he feels convinced must be Lucy, though how she can have got there is beyond his comprehension. H e dances w ith her all the evening, quite forgetting his wife, until the U nknow n disappears among the guests. He is frantic and rushes every w here to find her. A t last he reaches home on foot as bis carriage has most unaccountably disappeared. T here he has an angry iu terv iew w ith his w ife, w ho w ill not be appeased. M arion is, in reality, the stranger th a t he h.is

been dancing w ith , for she, know ing of bis penchant for her sister, has formed a ruse to cure him of i t She eventually appears disguised as the P ink Domino a t tbeir ow n house, and makes him thoroughly believe tha t it is Lucy tha t he

is talk ing to. B ut by her rude behavior, together with her pretending to be

under the influence of champagne, she so completely disgusts him w ith the supposed m auners of her sister, th a t he returns to his allegiance, asking his w ife's forgiveness, and promising to be “ a good boy M ever after. She is aided in her plot by her servan t’s lover.—a perform er in the Varieties-win* possesses, or fanciea he possesses a rem arkable tenor voice in winch tue high B flat is

very predominant. T he mistakes of this individual form a pleasing episode to

the main plot.