Aehsar-twin brother of Aehsaertaeg in the Ossetic epos that deals with the Narts-245

Aeneas-son of Venus (Aphrodite) and Anchises who fleas after the fall of Troy to found Rome, according to Virgil’s “Aeneid”; lover of Dido; second-incommand (after Hector) of the Trojan forces in the Iliad-20,79

Ahura Mazda-'The Wise Lord’, the ‘good principle’, given a place in the Ira­ nian pantheon by the reforms of Zoroaster:; an enemy of Angra Mainyu; cf Atar-191,202

Ajyy (Ayii, Ajii, Ajy)— ‘Whites’, Yakut human heroes; in some versions, Ajyy are the divine ancestors of human beings, in contrast to the tutelary spirits, Ayami; they are good spirits, protectors who have created economically use­ ful plants and animals for humans; see abaasy-243-4

Aka (Te Aka)—the personification of air roots, vines, and other climbing plants in Maori mythology; in some versions, Aka are the hairs on the head of Tuna (progenitor of eels) that flea to land after Tuna is slain by Maui; in another version, Aka is the offspring of Tane and Rerenoa, one of his many consorts; see footnote 43, Part II-185,254«.43