This chapter provides the examination of the structure of interrogatives with special attention to Spanish and Catalan. Some linguists have taken this inversion to be the output of a movement of the verb to a position to the left of the subject. The explanation for the constraints could not be extended to the free inversion construction. It has been shown that movement of the verb in Spanish and Catalan in overt syntax conflicts in important ways with the antisymmetry theory and its implications for the landing sites of clitics. This differentiation between infinitives and imperatives on the one hand, and finite verbs, on the other, is problematic for the overt V-to-C analysis in intcrrogatives. This approach leads to the conclusion that the clitic and verb have moved together as a unit in interrogatives. Additionally, an analysis that denies V-to-C in finite interrogatives in Romance accounts straightforwardly for the difference between Germanic V-2 and Romance interrogatives.