T here are th ree very obv ious reasons w h y there should be con tro l o f hazardous chemicals in the w o rk env ironm en t, nam ely (a) to m ain tain the health and safety o f the w o rkers, (b) to ensure com pliance w ith the law , and (c) to m ain tain or enhance p rod u ctiv ity . As no ted in C hap ter 1, m aintenance o f health and safety has n o t alw ays been a concern o f m anagem ent, nor even the w orkers them selves. Some o f the form er have been p repared to sacrifice the health o f their w o rk ers in favour o f the dem ands o f the w o rk , and even som e o f the w orkers have been prepared to take w h a t should have been unacceptable risks for increased pay. F ortunate ly , m uch o f that a ttitude has disappeared o r is disappearing.