This is a spin-off of the Making Faces Game. The master looks away so that the servant can steal. The improvisers remove their skins and emerge as new creatures. This game is seldom used, but it's useful as a symbol for the concealed self, or for sex, or as a way to become aliens in sci-fi scenes. One player spasms at irregular intervals, while giving a loud shriek. He/she has no awareness of doing this. The pay-off lies in the effect on his/her partner. Encourage the agent to screw the balls of paper tightly, and to throw them so that they sting. They must be thrown at unpredictable intervals. Two characters each believe wrongly that the other is mocking his/her articulation. They quarrel, discover the truth, and make friends. An audience that has laughed hysterically at the quarrel can weep when the characters are reconciled, and we should milk this pathos or the game may seem cruel.