Tamora, Queen of the Goths was captured by Titus Andronicus, a Roman general and brought to Rome. She has three sons, the eldest of whom is sacrificed to appease the ‘groaning shadows’ of Titus’ own sons killed in the war against the Goths. Rather soon after, Satuminus, the Roman Emperor, marries her and from this secure position Tamora begins to contemplate her revenge on Titus with the help of her lover, Aaron. She meets (at ‘this place’) Bassianus (brother to the Roman emperor) and his new wife Lavinia (daughter of Titus). Aaron also fetches her two remaining sons (Chiron and Demetrius) for her to tell them this incredible tale – which they swallow completely – in order to provoke them into taking revenge against Titus through Bassanius and Lavinia. At this point Tamora’s sons have just arrived to find her with Bassanius and Lavinia, one says that she looks ‘so pale and wan’. She could be as young as thirty.