Hatfield, Henry, editor, Thomas Mann: A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, I964

Heller, Erich, The Ironic German: A Study of Thomas Mann, Boston: Little Brown, and London: Secker and War burg, I95 8

Hilscher, Eberhard, Thomas Mann: Sein Leben und sein Werk, Berlin: Volk and Wissen, I968

Ridley, Hugh, The Problematic Bourgeois: Twentieth-Century Criticism and Thomas Mann's "Buddenbrooks" and "The Magic Mountain, " Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House,I994

Sprecher, Thomas, editor, Das "Zauberberg" -Symposium 1994 in Davos, Frankfurt: Klostermann, I995

Weigand, Hermann J., Thomas Mann's Novel: "Der Zauberberg," New York and London: Appleton-Century, 1933

Ziolkowski, Theodore, Dimensions of the Modern Novel, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1969

Magic realism (also called magical realism) is a style or manner of writing in which the author, through a variety of artistic techniques and strategies, seeks to combine unusual with ordinary elements of human existence in order to provide as complete a representation of reality as possible.