Half of my life is gone, and I have let 382 Hamatreya 270 Hand and the Foot, The 636 Harbor, The 672 Harp, The 333 Harvest Moon, The 441 Haschish, The 457 Haunted Palace, The 529 Have you heard of the wonderful one-hoss-shay, 560 He spoke; and silent tow'rd the northern sky 12 He thanked me for my kindness, disagreed 681 Hear the sledges with the bells-543 Heavy with the heat and silence 403 Helen, thy beauty is to me 522 Her eyes are fixed; they seek the skies 675 Her planted eye to-day controls, 341 Here, Charmian, take my bracelets, 677 Here is the place; right over the hill 468 Here lay dark Pittsburgh, from whose site there broke 41 Here let us pause:—the opening prospect view:— 63 Here the Frailest Leaves of Me 860 Here the frailest leaves of me and yet my strongest lasting, 860 Hesperia, from 86 Hiawatha's Departure, from 403 Himself it was who wrote 285 History 338 Home of the Percy's high-born race, 98 Home, Sweet Home! no How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood, 70 How much, Preventing God! how much I owe 336 How strange it seems! These Hebrews in their graves, 397 How vast a world is figured by a word! 61 How vast, how dread, o'erwhelming is the thought 54 Humble-Bee, The 272 Husband and wife! No converse now ye hold, 80 Husband's and Wife's Grave, The 80