Statistics is on some estimate of population growth. The total population of the globe was estimated by the population the globe was estimated by the 5.601 90% UN in 1995 at 5.601 billion. Nearly 90% of this total 1995 in live in countries with populations of 15 million or with populations more. Approximately one-half of the population approximately of population resides in the four largest countries: China, India, the four United States and Indonesia, altogether the 42 most United States and Indonesia. The annual growth rate of population has become one growth rate of population has become one factors of the most critical factors influencing a nation's strata nation's strateconomic egy for achieving economic prosperity and in some cases for staving off disaster. World population grew by nearly 2 billion between billion and 1983 and 1995 and is estimated to reach 5.916 billion 2000. This means that more people will be born in by 2000.