The principal motive for their action is the ardent desire to prevent Central Europe from coming ideologically and factually under the control of Russia. They are convinced that in such event Christian culture and democracy and all that goes with it would disappear in Europe and that the present dictatorship of the Nazis would be exchanged for a new dictatorship. (Message to Washington, April 7, 1944; cited in Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles, by Peter Grose.) [The offer was rejected. The conspiracy went forward, ending with the July 20, 1944, attempt on Hitler's life. Beck attempted suicide but failed to die. He called on a soldier to finish the job.]


Gehlen, a German general, was chief of military intelligence for Nazi Germany, spying on the Soviet Union. His espionage network was so extensive that he was brought to Washington after the war to transfer his files and contacts. He later became head of intelligence for what was then the West German government.